3D Camera

3D camera can find its position in applications such as gesture control, face recognition, 3D object/space scanning, obstable detection, driving assistance.

We offer two types of 3D cameras: Time of Flight(ToF) camera and Structured Light camera. Their embedded SDK is ready for your second time development.

Our compact sized 3D cameras makes them easier to be integated into your products.

our ToF camera compare with a mouse

ToF Camera

Below table shows the ToF camera specs. This 3D camera have both depth output and RGB output. Point cloud output is supported.

InformationDepthRGB Color
Sensor1/3.5 inch CMOS1/3 inch CMOS
Field of View62°(H)×45°(V)71.5°(H)×40.6°(V)
Frame Rate5-45 FPS30 FPS
Resolution224*172 pixels or 640*480 pixels1344*760 pixels
Accuracy≤1% distance(0.5m-4m @5fps)
≤2% distance(0.1m-1m @45fps)
Detection Range0.1m-4m
IMUsupported, 6 axis
Operation Wavelength850nm VCSEL
Power and DataUSB 3.0/2.0
PlatformIntel Myriad2 or Rockchip
Power Consumption2.25W@15FPS
XYZ Point Cloud outputsupported
Operating SystemLinux Ubuntu 14.04, Windows7/8/10 X86/X64, Android4.3 and above
Structured Light Camera

Below table shows the main structured light camera specs we have. It is based on our second generation own designed depth IC IVP2000. Be aware, it does not have a RGB camera but a infrared camera.

Data FormatRAW, XYZRAW
Field of View64°(H)×50°(V)68°(H)×56°(V)
Data InterfaceDVP, USBDVP
Resolution600*400 pixels600*400 pixels
Accuracy±1mm@0.6m; ±8mm@1.6m
Detection Range0.3m-2m
Power USB 2.0
Power Consumption2.5W